spree status
opened on 1st May '10
closing on 11th May '10
11/05- Ordered and paid.
12/05- Payment confirmed, items are on request.
15/05- Items are on delivery.
DateStatusPost office/AirportDetails15:09 17-May-2010Posting/CollectionDONGSUWON
Posting office zip code : 442829
Destination country : SINGAPORE
17:37 17-May-2010Arrival at outward office of exchangeINTERNATIONAL POST OFFICE21:51 17-May-2010Departure from outward office of exchangeINTERNATIONAL POST OFFICEDispatch number : 427
02:15 18-May-2010Handed over to Air carrierINCHEON02:45 18-May-2010Received by Air carrierINCHEON15:30 18-May-2010Airrival at Destination AirportSINGAPORE17:51 18-May-2010Delivered to Destination AirportSINGAPOREItems ordered
No.1338 (red)
No.1338 (white)
No. 1169
Terms & condition
- aruoie is not responsible for any delay or mistake made by the merchant
- Please make payment in 48 hours after ordering
- All email will be replied in 24 hours
- Strictly no swaps
- Please do not cancel your order!
- Please email aruoie@live.com if you have any enquiries
Date of arrival
- Items will reach me in 7-14 days.
- Bank transfer to POSB savings: 170-56765-0
- Meet up at Tampines area or Temasek Poly
- Postage: Normal postage (+$1.50)/Registered postage(+$2.50)
Please send your order to aruoie@live.com and incluede:
- Name
- Contact Number
- Item code + color(Quantity): (eg,No.11992 white, No.3160 grey x 2 )
- Payment via
- Mode of collection (Address if opt for postage)
- Total amount payable